Alpha Phonics is a one-volume, phonics-based reading program suitable for the early grades or for struggling readers. The black-and-white book begins with phonetic sounds, then progresses to syllables, words, and sentences. The program is very simple and straightforward, and may be used alone or supplemented by games and beginning readers.
Alpha-Phonics is nonconsumable, which means the book can be reused. This program is also available as a CD-Rom or on Kindle.
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AlphaPhonics Curriculum Reviews
Wow! I bought Alpha Phonics almost 2 years ago and I praise God, because it really worked.
My youngest daughter had turned four that June and was considered …
Reviews of Alpha Phonics
I have Alpha Phonics to teach children just learning to read, and as a remedial reading program for a 6th grader
Likes: This is a very successful approach …