by Sondra
Wow! I bought Alpha Phonics almost 2 years ago and I praise God, because it really worked.
My youngest daughter had turned four that June and was considered “ADHD”. We don’t believe in medicating kids for “heart” issues and so I sought other options.
I hoped that challenging her active mind would help her to develop a better ability to focus....channeling all the energy into learning. So I chose to home school her at a Kindergarten level while she was only 4. I went searching online and praise GOD!, I came across this website and book, so I took a chance and bought it.
We started Alpha Phonics that August (only 2 months after turning 4) and we spent about 15 minutes a day (it was really hard for her to focus and to sit still!) working the lessons. Eventually our time was lengthened and before I knew it, she was actually reading! The most amazing part was that she was understanding it too! She would read a sentence, pause, and then get excited because she knew what was happening.
She is now 5 and almost done with her Kindergarten year at public school. She excels above all the kids in her classroom - reading long books, hard words, and even the Bible. I am so thankful for the simplicity of your book.
Phonic books with pictures were just a big distraction to her mind, but this book really made her have to focus on the words to understand the “story” sentence. I'm so thankful for all the hard work in putting this together, Praise God and keep up the good work. I hope many parents buy this book!
I heard about Alpha-Phonics at a home school convention in 1991 when I first began seeking out information on home schooling. I have taught all 7 of my children to read using this book with some supplementation of the CD version for the ones that enjoy using the computer.
Over the years I have borrowed or looked into more expensive curricula thinking I was depriving my children by not offering all the bells and whistles of a prettier, fancier, louder method of instruction. Always I returned to this book because it just worked the best - for the wiggly, inattentive children and the more focused.
In 20 years of home schooling, curriculum conventions, reading reviews and home school magazines, I have never found a more practical, down to earth, and effective phonics program. It makes me wonder why I bothered looking! Thank you SO much for continuing to offer this book in its original format.
Through those years I mutilated 3 copies of the book and gave a couple away. I like the look/durability of the newer spiral bound version. Even though I'm well into the book with my last child, it is tempting to get a new copy just to have it to look at.
by Vicki
(Archie, MO)
We used this program in 2009.
Likes: Very complete program. Large lettering and easy to use.
Dislikes: We chose a more hands-on program for phonics. There was nothing wrong with the book. We actually still use it to reinforce our main program.
I purchased this for my 5 year old and was initially disappointed when I read the teacher's instructions. I have five children and two are younger then the five year old. I thought I would not be able to follow it! It seemed too time consuming. Follow the instructions if you are able to or just do it your way-pronouncing the letters for your child and letting them repeat.
I've used it now for 5 wks, two or three times a week and my son is up to lesson 7! I feel confident using this product because I know he is actually learning by sounding it out as opposed to just guessing. I will use it for my other two children and feel it was well worth the money!
It is not a fancy book but it is effective and you can spend as long as needed on each lesson. My son loves to do his phonics!
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