by Valerie
(Yukon, Oklahoma, USA)
Product: Apologia "Exploring Creation with Zoology 3"
Subject: Science
Dates Used: August 2009-present
Likes: Interesting for all reading levels, yet challenging and factual; suited for all learning styles; excellent details; beautiful photos and artwork; experiment supplies are easy to find, most are household items; experiments are fun and practical; biblically/creation based and college preparatory
Dislikes: None yet!
We removed our children from public school to homeschool them three years ago. Our daughter, who was at that time going into fourth grade, said she hated science and was "no good at it". She said it was boring. For the next two years, I tried to find a way to change her mind and catch her interest in something relating to science so she could be open to learning again.
I kept hearing great reviews about Apologia, and as I developed my own educational philosophy through research, I decided that we could forget what the public schools were doing and try something completely different. I took Bethany to a local Christian bookstore during their annual education sale and allowed her to pick her own science curriculum. Attracted by the pictures of animals she loved, she immediately picked up "Zoology 3" and thumbed through it. She "wowed" several times, and she realized her love of animals was "science"! She nearly jumped for joy when I agreed to let her take the book home for sixth grade science.
Now, she LOVES science and does it all on her own without waiting for me to prompt her. She loves the activities and is always saying "Guess what?" as she shares what she's learning with others. Her confidence has increased, and she's proud to be studying something more focused than her public school counterparts. Bethany is even considering a career in Zoology now! We attended a BioBlitz this past weekend and she confidently mingled with biologists and zoologists. What a turnaround!
Our college-age daughter is majoring in biology, and she's even been caught thoroughly enjoying the book and discovering information she didn't know. EXCELLENT curriculum.
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