by Karen
(Southern Maine, USA)
We used Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting, levels A-E from 1993 to present.
Likes: This is a simple, make-sense way to write. The handwriting is easy to read and looks very nice. The program is your basic workbook, you don't need an instruction manual. You child may be able to work independently in the workbook if they are able to read the directions...if not, read the directions and let you child go...but be sure you have first instructed the child on the different strokes.
My 5yo is currently finishing book A, and has very neat penmanship. Several people have commented. To contrast my 6yo granddaughter attended 3/4 of a year in the ps system, and then homeschooled joining my 5yo in the level A book...she has had to be re-taught the strokes for writing. My oldest (who used the program through book E) was complimented several times in high school about her beautiful penmanship.
Dislikes: My's not scripture based. I would much rather the children were practicing their penmanship while writing solution was to find a similar font and make my own scripture pages for copywork as a supplement.
by Pam
(Orange County CA)
Levels Used: All
Dates Used: 2001-present
Likes: Reasonably priced. The teachers edition is short and to the point. I got this for my son because he didn't want the loopy, frilly handwriting his sister was doing. He is also a lefty and I had heard it worked well for them.
His handwriting is lovely, when he tries. What is so nice is that the transition from printing to script is so easy, the letters are almost the same, you just add joiners. I would definitely recommend for boys!
Dislikes: Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting is secular, so no Bible verses to copy, not even a program out there that is identical to so you can make your own worksheets.
by Jennifer
(Shelton, WA, USA)
Levels Used: Levels A,B,E
Dates Used: 2008-present
Likes: I began this program out of desperation for my son who strongly dislikes putting pencil to paper. He needed to be able to read and write cursive, and to do it in a purposeful, no-frills way. This is exactly what we needed.
Both of my boy's handwriting improved dramatically in a short period of time and my oldest became excited to see his progress with cursive writing. It is very reasonably priced and has short, easy lessons. Transitioning from printing to cursive is easy and more natural.
Dislikes: Reading the D'Nealian style of cursive is more difficult. This transitions easily from printing without frills and curls, and will require more effort for them to read the other styles of cursive. Still, completely worth trying, especially for boys.
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