by Cindy
(Cortland, IL)
Product: Handwriting Without Tears
Subject: Handwriting
Levels Used: Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3
Dates Used: 2002 - current
Likes: This program truly takes the tears away and teaches children to print and write cursive in a non-threatening way. The chalkboard for the younger children and the cursive guides for the older children are well received, and the teacher's instructions are well written. I am really impressed with the older workbooks teaching cursive. The lessons are spiral and really force the student to practice what they've learned.
My two sons, who had horrible handwriting prior to this program, now have beautiful handwriting and my 8yo daughter is now beginning to follow in their footsteps. I can't give this program enough praise.
Dislikes: I wish there was a video or CD-Rom tutorial for some of the lessons. Sometimes it's easier for my children to see others teaching the lesson (less arguing with the teacher! :) )
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