Homeschool Art Curriculum

Are you looking for a homeschool art curriculum? Here are some tips for finding the program that's right for you, along with some ideas for homeschooling art.

Before choosing a home school art curriculum, decide what type of art instruction you would like your child to receive. Some programs focus exclusively on teaching children to draw or paint. Others focus on helping your child make crafts. Some programs even include picture study and instruction in art history.

Decide whether you want a program that gives your child a model of a finished product to replicate, or if you want a program that uses an open-ended approach - encouraging expression and creativity over a specific outcome.

A good homeschool art curriculum should teach techniques like space, color, line, shape, texture, shading, and composition. It should also expose your child to a variety of materials and styles.

Choosing a Home School Art Curriculum

Before purchasing an homeschool art program, consider the following:

  • Is the program easy to use? Do you need background knowledge in art to use the program effectively? Does the program contain step by step instructions and detailed explanations that anyone can follow? Make sure you are comfortable with the level of experience and preparation the program requires.

  • What level of parental involvement does the program require? How much will you have to spend actively teaching? What age levels will derive the most benefit from the program? If you have little time available for direct instruction, be careful to choose a program that is on your child's level. You may also want to consider using a video instruction program or a program that is written directly to the child.

  • How much set up and clean up does the program require? Will you be required to purchase materials that are expensive and difficult to find? Many programs come with materials lists that will help you make sure you have everything needed for a specific lesson. Others have complete art kits available for purchase.

Tips for Homeschooling Art

Keep art activities simple and fun. During your children's younger years, consider setting up an art area with different types of paper and materials that your children are free to explore. You may also want to store age-appropriate arts and crafts books in this area.

Look at art prints and posters, take a sketch book to the park, visit art museums and learn about the lives and works of different artists.

Remember, some children do not have the interest or attention span for formal art lessons. Consider saving formal art instruction for older children who are more independent and will get more out of the program.

Popular Homeschool Art Programs

Follow these links to find reviews of art programs that are popular with homeschoolers:

Artisitic Pursuits
Draw Write Now
Drawing Basics with Thomas Kinkade
Drawing Textbook
I Can Do All Things

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