by Tiffany
(Forestburg, Tx , USA)
Product: Little Hands to Heaven
Subject: Preschool
Levels Used: Pre-K
Dates Used: 2008
Likes: I love how the themes tie into the activities each week. For example the rhyme relates to the letter/letter sound & the Bible story & the songs relate to the music, etc. The letter activities are very hands on with little prep-time required & most the materials needed are around the house/school room items.
There are Hide & Seek letter pages each week (you find the letter of the week in the poem/rhyme) & my son loves to do this! He "shoots" the letters with is pencil/crayon.
My boys (who are wiggly willy's) love the Bible's used with this & it definitely holds their attention. The books chosen for this program are excellent & the options (as I have both) are geared to the 2's & are right on target as my 2 year old is drawn to them & the other option is more for the older pre-schooler, as my 4 year old prefers them.
This is a very well thought out program. The layout is prepared daily & is super easy to use. This is a fun preschool curriculum that is not time intensive for the child or parent & it is fun to use.
Dislikes: I do have 2 Wiggly Willy's so this might just be my boys, but some of the activities have been a little over their heads or they are not able to do it. Ex. cut out pictures from a magazine (the first few weeks) Preschool is usually when scissors & cutting is introduced & this had not been the case in our schooling at the beginning.
Also, I am not thrilled with the Math/Number sequence. I wish numbers would have been introduced in the beginning, along with colors & shapes - this is introduced at the end & the beginning is intro math activities. Having said that, it is easy to add your own preschool themes & skills, altering what you wish & supplementing where you feel needed.
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