Math U See

by Peggy
(Wilmington, NC)

Product: Math U See
Subject: Math
Levels Used: Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon
Dates Used: 2007 - present

Likes: My biggest like with Math U See is that it can be used with three different learning styles. It works for my visual, my auditory and my hands on learner.

It teaches you the WHY of math. I did not understand math during my school experience and felt unqualified to teach it. Thanks to this program I am learning math and understanding it for the first time.

My boys do better with mastery based math. Math U See fits the bill. The support is excellent. There are many places to get support for this product. My boys like math and are not afraid of it as I was.

Dislikes: None so far. I do worry that we might need something else for upper level math but we will use this until we see the need to change.

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