Miquon Math Curriculum Review

Miquon Math teaches math through investigation and discovery, and uses Cuisenaire Rods to teach.

The program consists of six student workbooks meant for grades one through three. In the first year all four operations of math and fractions are introduced. By third grade students are graphing algebraic equations.

Miquon Math encourages critical and creative thinking and allows students to arrive at correct solutions to problems without using standard logarithms or rules. The program focuses on pattern and relationship of math rather than the more typical rules taught in many math programs.

This program can be used as a stand alone program, or as a supplement to another program. Each level consists of a consumable student "lab" workbook. Rather than a numerical level, each workbook is coded by color. A teacher's guide, called Lab Sheet Annotations is available.

The scope and sequence of this program is significantly different from other math programs, making it difficult to enter the program mid-stream. The publishers recommend starting student new to the program in the previous grade level.

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