Oak Meadow Curriculum Review

Oak Meadow offers support to homeschooling families in two ways; through use of its independent learning materials or through enrollment in its distance learning program. The program focuses on the whole child by teaching in accordance with children's natural developmental stages. It uses methods that suit various learning styles, and encourages creativity and curiosity.

The company's curriculum includes everything parents need to teach their children, including materials, lesson plans, and activities. Their school goes one step further, and allows parents to take advantage of the benefits of home education, while receiving record-keeping services and teacher assistance, when needed.

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Oak Meadow 
Product: Oak Meadow Subject: High School Chemistry, Elementary History, Language Arts, Science Levels Used: 5th grade, 3rd grade Dates Used: 2010-2011 …

Oak Meadow 
We started using Oak Meadow in our first year of homeschooling. My son was in 4th grade, my daughter in 7th. We loved it and have continued to use it …

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