Preschool Nursery Rhymes

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I always have trouble remembering all of the many available preschool nursery rhymes to share with my children. They are fun for children to listen to, memorize and recite.

Sometimes we insert our names, or make up our own rhymes using silly words. You can also write the rhymes on paper, let your child draw or cut out pictures to decorate the page, and make a nursery rhyme book. Your child will have fun "reading" these rhymes back to you!

Here are our favorite preschool nursery rhymes:

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling
Hey Diddle Diddle
Hickory Dickory Dock
Humpty Dumpty
Hot Cross Buns
Jack and Jill
Jack Be Nimble
Jack Sprat
Little Bo Peep
Little Boy Blue
Little Jack Horner
Little Miss Muffet
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
Old King Cole
Old Mother Hubbard
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Pat a Cake
Pease Porridge
Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Three Blind Mice
To Market, To Market
We Willie Winkie

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full.

One for my master,
And one for my dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.

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Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling

Diddle, diddle, dumpling,
My son, John,
Went to bed
With his trousers on.

One shoe off
And one shoe on,
Diddle, diddle, dumpling,
My son, John!

(return to top)

Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.

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Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse fell down.
Hickory dickory dock.

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Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses
And all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

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Hot Cross Buns

Hot cross buns.
Hot cross buns.
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns!

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Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

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Jack Be Nimble

Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jumped over
The candlestick.

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Jack Sprat

Jack Sprat could eat no fat;
His wife could eat no lean.
And so betwixt the two of them
They licked the platter clean.

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Little Bo Peep

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep,
And doesn't know where to find them.
Leave them alone and they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.

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Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn.
The sheep's in the meadow,
The cow's in the corn.

Where is the boy
Who looks after the sheep?
He's under the haystack, fast asleep.

(return to top)

Little Jack Horner

Little Jack Horner
Sat in a corner,
Eating his Christmas pie.
He stuck in his thumb
And pulled out a plumb,
And said, "What a good boy am I!"

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Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.

(return to top)

Mary Had a Little Lamb

Mary had a little lamb,
Whose fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

He followed her to school one day,
Which was against the rules.
It made the children laugh and play,
To see a lamb at school.

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Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells,
And pretty maids all in a row.

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Old King Cole

Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he.
He called for his pipe,
And he called for his bowl,
And he called for his fiddlers three.

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Old Mother Hubbard

Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To fetch her poor dog a bone.
But when she got there
The cupboard was bare,
And so the poor dog had none.

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One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

One, two, buckle my shoe.
Three, four, shut the door.
Five, six, pick up sticks.
Seven, eight, lay them straight.
Nine, ten, a big, fat hen!

(return to top)

Pat a Cake

Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker's man,
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Roll it and pat it and mark it with a "B",
And put it in the oven for baby and me!

(return to top)

Pease Porridge

Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot,
Nine days old.

Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot,
Nine days old!

(return to top)

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater

Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater,
Had a wife and couldn't keep her.
He put her in a pumpkin shell,
And there he kept her very well.

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Sing a Song of Sixpence

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye;
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie!

When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing.
Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the King?

(return to top)

Three Blind Mice

Three blind mice.
Three blind mice.
See how they run.
See how they run.

They all ran after the farmer's wife.
She cut off their tails with a carving knife.
Did you ever see such a sight in your life
As three blind mice?

(return to top)

To Market, To Market

To market, to market
To buy a fat pig.
Home again, home again,
Jigity jig.

To market, to market
To buy a fat hog.
Home again, home again,
Jigity jog.

To market, to market
To buy a plum bun.
Home again, home again,
Market is done.

(return to top)

We Willie Winkie

Wee Willie Winkie
Runs through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs,
In his nightgown.

Rapping at the window,
Crying through the lock,
"Are the children all in bed?"
For now it's eight o'clock."

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Now that you've mastered these preschool nursery rhymes, check out these:

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