by Melanie
(Rochester, IL, USA)
I absolutely love using Amanda Bennett download and go unit studies for my kids in levels K-4! We have used these as supplements and a refreshing break from our daily routine. So far we have done the following; "Spring Surprises," "Summer Sensations," Autumn Treasures," "Winter Wonders," and "Birthday Bonanza"
These are fun lapbook projects that require no research on your part, and very minimal gathering of materials. All the information you need to do these extensive studies is included, along with links, printouts, worksheets,and craft templates. The only things you need are file folders, brads, glue and coloring materials.
My kids have so much fun with these, and they can all learn together despite their age ranges. They are so proud to show off their lapbooks to relatives and friends, and they do make impressive displays. This is such a treat for them, truly a fun way to learn. I highly recommend.
by Sarah
(Avon, IN)
Awaken the curiosity, fun, and adventure in your homeschool—learn from (and all about)
“The Greatest Character of the Age”
—George Washington!
This is my first review on Amanda Bennett’s Download N Go Unit Studies! I am thrilled to be a part of the review team now! This particular unit study was a great one to start out with. It’s amazing just how much fun you can have by learning about the Father of our Country.
So what is Download N Go?
Download N Go is a brand new, innovative, E-Book series brought to you by Amanda Bennett.
Units are theme based and full of exciting discoveries and motivation to develop lifelong learners.
Amanda Bennett, a pioneer in unit study writing, creates a superior product . . . one that blends the unit study concept and lapbooking fun into one great adventure.
Units are reusable year after year—nothing is consumed. There are no expensive resources required! Each unit includes a great list of books that you can use to enrich your study, but they are not required.
Here’s a peek at what you will get in your week’s worth of study:
Day 1: Who Was George Washington?
Day 2: People and Places in George Washington’s Life
Day 3: The Accomplishments of George Washington
Day 4: Lessons to Learn From George Washington
Day 5: Remembering George Washington
We made a lapbook based on materials provided in this unit. It’s full of great stuff!
We also made a cherry pastry to go along with the story of George and the cherry tree! The boys loved it. It made 4 pastries, so it was fun to share them, along with the story behind it.
For only $7.95 you can download this study with you and your children! Just in time for President’s Day! We loved it!
by Sarah
(Avon, IN)
We had such fun with this unit study from Download N Go unit studies!!
It’s loaded with all kind of poppin’ fun! My boys loved this study…everything about it. They especially liked the amount of popcorn we consumed all week!
What do you get to do? Take a look!
Day 1: Popcorn—What Is It?
Day 2: The Story of Popcorn
Day 3: The Flavors of Popcorn
Day 4: The Science of Popcorn
Day 5: Fun With Popcorn
We have this popcorn popper that we love. They enjoyed watching it pop at my moms, so we were excited to find one for super cheap at Lowe’s.
And popcorn is just always such fun! We had popcorn parties every night!
We learned about the “corn belt” states. Since we are in one of them, that was fun! We bought some semi-locally grown popcorn in fun colors…Ruby Red and Sunburst Red.
I put together a popcorn sensory bin for the boys. They got a ton of fun out that one. I cleaned up a lot of kernels, but it was it worth it! They enjoyed passing the corn through funnels, pretending to pop it, and transferring into containers.
One of Andrew’s favorite activities was the graph he made from surveying people about what their favorite way to eat popcorn is. He called grandmas and grandpas and asked a few friends.
The acrostic poem he wrote was so darling. It read:
P opcorn is so yummy.
O h so yummy.
P opcorn is in my tummy.
C orn is where it comes from.
O n farms it grows.
R ight from the plant God made it.
N ever burn your popcorn!
The boys painted a picture of popcorn using popped popcorn as their stamp!
There were so many fun video links that my boys loved watching. Anything that has to do with farming is right up their alley!
And we couldn’t leave out the birds. As suggested in the unit study, we made a popcorn ball covered with seeds for the birds to enjoy!
by Sarah
(Avon, IN)
We really enjoyed doing Download N Go’s Pizza Party this past week. It was a nice compliment to our geography studies on Italy. Here’s what the unit study looks like:
Day 1: Pizza—What Is It?
Day 2: The Story of Pizza
Day 3: Types of Pizza
Day 4: The Science of Pizza
Day 5: Let’s Have a Pizza Party
We had some friends join us. They did the unit study as well. So Monday was our party!
We had lots of kitchen time! We made two pizzas using this crust and bread sticks using this recipe. The kids did a lot of helping. Rolling, chopping, spreading, and more!
They enjoyed painting pizzas. I just cut some nice big circles out of cream colored construction paper using fun scissors. They did the rest!
They played a Pizza Math Game. We have played it many times since. They have enjoyed it.
They watched Pete’s A Pizza on DVD. We had read the book last week.
We did a fun science experiment using yeast. The kids enjoyed watching the balloon blow up!
I made this cute little guy to be used for Bible memory during our pizza studies!
Some fun books for our study included:
The Princess and the Pizza
Rocky Bobocky, The Pizza Man
Pickle Pizza
Pizza Party
Extra Cheese Please!:Mozerella’s Journey from Cow to Pizza
Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza
I am excited to join the DNG team. I am not reviewing this one…I just had to do it! They are great! This one is packed full of all kinds of information on pizza’s history and the country of Italy. Check it out!
by Sarah
(Avon, IN)
Download N Go - Mother's Day
What a neat way to celebrate this special holiday. A Mother’s Day unit study that’s all put together for you and ready to download! There’s so much to learn, so take a peek at what your week would look like!
Day 1: What Is Mother’s Day
Day 2: The History of Mother’s Day
Day 3: Celebrating Mother’s Day
Day 4: Preparations for Mother’s Day
Day 5: Goodies for Mother’s Day
To be honest, I was a little hesitant about doing this study. “Ok, boys…we are going to do a study on ME…your mommy!!“ As appealing as that does sound, this study is so much more than that!
You will learn about the history of Mother’s Day, how they celebrate Mother’s Day in different countries, and best of all you will learn about moms of the Bible!
Each day is filled with fun stuff to do. The boys always enjoy watching the videos, especially the “how to” videos. We tried some of the crafts suggested in the study. They turned out pretty cute!
All in all, a fun unit study to do with your children.
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