Rod and Staff Preschool Workbooks

by Erica
(New York)

Product: Rod and Staff Preschool Workbooks
Subject: Reading readiness, counting, colors, following directions
Levels Used: Preschool
Dates Used: 1998 through 2009

Likes: All my children have enjoyed working through these workbooks. I like the godliness that is promoted throughout, teaching children about God's Love, Bible stories, and obedience.

The pictures are easy to color. I think that the reading readiness activities are very well done and that they set a good foundation for teaching a child not only how to think, but how to be ready to read - from working left to right on a page, to making good comparisons.

Also, there is a two page review at the end of each book, that gives a good picture of how much the child really learned from completing the book. The Kindergarten readiness test, which can be completed after finishing these workbooks, gives a very good idea whether a child is ready to actually start kindergarten level work, or if they could use some more help, preventing a lot of frustration.

Dislikes: There is not much emphasis on phonics.

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