by Megan
(Detroit, MI)
Product: Rod & Staff Math
Subject: Math
Levels Used: some of 1 & 3, & all of 2
Dates Used: 2007-2008
Likes: Rod & Staff Math is very thorough. The kids really learn their facts with this! It's a mastery approach and covers a little bit at a time, building on the day before. It's a very solid program, I really didn't have any concerns that my children wouldn't have a solid foundation with this.
Dislikes: We stuck with it for a year and a little of the next before switching to MUS. The repetion was just a bit too much for my son. I found it incredibly boring, myself. I totally see how this would be a perfect program for someone who needs a slow and steady approach. But for a child who catches onto things quickly and wants to race onto the next thing, it's just a bit much. It is also black and white, which could be a good thing, or not. We weren't bothered by this. First and Second grade use workbooks and 3rd+ are reusable textbooks. They also have speed drills built in that my children really enjoyed.
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