Secular Homeschool Curriculum

Are you looking for a secular homeschool curriculum?

Many non-Christians and nonreligious homeschoolers have been frustrated in their search for high-quality, secular homeschooling resources - especially in the areas of science and history.

In addition, some Christians want to use nonreligious materials because they want to teach religion separately from academics, because their beliefs fall outside of mainstream Christianity, or because they believe Christian programs are overly biased.

Homeschoolers in search of secular programs can either choose to adapt a Christian curriculum to meet their needs or use a nonreligious program. Here's a discussion of those options, along with a list of secular homeschool curriculum providers.

Adapting Christian Programs

Christian homeschool programs are generally structured in one of two ways that affect how easily they can be adapted to meet the needs of secular homeschoolers.

  1. A Bible-centered curriculum has scripture, Bible characters or Biblical principles as a central focus. For example, in a Bible-centered history curriculum, history is presented from a Christian perspective and Bible history is woven into the curriculum. In a Bible-centered science program, science is presented with the underlying view of God as creator.

    Bible-centered programs can be difficult to adapt to the needs of secular homeschoolers because removing the Christian perspective alters the foundation of the program.

  2. A Christian curriculum that has a Bible component can be more easily adapted for use by nonreligious homeschoolers. These programs may have a separate Bible section that you can choose not to use or purchase, as well as the occasional scripture reference that can be explained or skipped.

    Removing the Bible component does not dramatically alter the foundation of this type of program.

Secular Homeschool Curriculum Publishers

Some homeschoolers have found that secular materials from larger publishers are geared toward traditional public school classrooms. However, publishers are now creating religiously neutral materials specifically for the homeschool market.

Most spelling, vocabulary, handwriting and music programs can be easily adapted for nonreligious use. Here are some options for other subjects:


Drawing Textbook
Drawing with Children

Complete Programs

Connections Academy
Oak Meadow
Time 4 Learning


Hakim's A History of the U.S.
History Odyssey
Maps, Charts and Graphs
Trail Guide to World Geography

Language Arts/Grammar

Analytical Grammar
Easy Grammar
Grammar Key
Great Editing Adventure
Learning Language Arts through Literature
Shurley English
Warriner's English Grammar and Composition
Winston Grammar


Key Curriculum Press
Math U See
McRuffy Math
Right Start
Math U See
Teaching Textbooks


Alpha Phonics
Explode the Code
Hooked on Phonics
McRuffy Phonics
Modern Curriculum Press
Phonics Pathways
Saxon Phonics
Sing, Spell, Read and Write
Spell to Read and Write
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Writing Road to Reading
Zoo Phonics


Backyard Scientist
R.E.A.L. Science
Real Science 4 Kids


Igniting Your Writing
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Write Shop
Writer's Jungle
Writing Strands

Here are some homeschool curriculum reviews for other subjects.

For information about nonreligious support groups and activities, read my tips for finding secular homeschooling support.

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