
Spellingtime.com is a virtual spelling tutor that teaches through spelling games, quizzes, bees, and tests. Spelling lists are available through the program, or you can create your own spelling lists. Lessons include definitions, synonyms, and spelling rules.

The program is meant to be used daily; each lesson building towards mastery of a list by the end of the week. A writing assignment is required each week and a review test is taken at the end of every fourth lesson.

Students can earn game coins as a reward for completing their work. Progress reports and quiz grades are sent by email. In addition, all lessons are printable and can be used off the computer.

Lessons are built to promote self-learning. SpellingTime.com is available as both a free version and as a paid version. The paid version includes more games, activities, quizzes, and the ability to save educator-created word lists, as well as tracking and reporting student scores by email.

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Spelling Time 
Product: Spellingtime.com Subject: Spelling Levels Used: Grades 3 and 4 Dates Used: 2007-preset Likes: We really like Spelling Time because …

Worth the Price! 
We have used this for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders in the last 2 years. All the kids changed their attitude about studying spelling. All the kids …

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