by Margie
(Clinton, IL USA)
Product: Handwriting W/O Tears
Subject: Penmanship
Levels Used: ...from basic printing books (Letters and Numbers for Me, My Printing Book, Printing Power) to cursive (Cursive Handwriting, Cursive Success, Can-Do Cursive)... used them all!
Dates Used: 2000 - 2009 for my three children
Likes: The block building and chalkboard copying to initially construct the capitals was fantastic. Incorporating "hands on" and "building" techniques were pleasant and enjoyable. These simple activities helped encourage my children to gain confidence that they could copy the structure onto paper.
I liked the simplicity of the letters' forms... both printed and cursive.
I've always received compliments for my own penmanship and neatness. I have found that my children's handwriting is nicely done, having completed much practice with the HWT workbooks. One daughter actually asked for another new "Cursive Success" book to repeat and see if she could write more neatly.
HWT was good for each of my 3 children and truly kept the tears at bay.
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